Latin Name: Mephitidae
Color: black-and-white to brown or cream
Digestive Tract: Yes
How to get rid of this?.
To get rid of pest problem under control, inspection is the first and foremost step.
Skunks are mammals known for their ability to spray a liquid with a strong odor. Different species of skunk vary in appearance from black-and-white to brown or cream colored, but all have warning coloration. They are mostly found in fields and crops
If you find any skunk or other pest related problems in your home or at any accommodation, we offer a call out service to deal with.
Commonly Found in: They dig holes in the ground
How to Spot: Look in holes in the ground
Damages: They spray a horrid odor
How to terminate Skunks: A combination of eco-friendly chemicals recommended and fumigated by Green Pest’s certified professionals
Treatment duration: It can be weekly, biweekly or monthly depending upon the infestation.
Inspection and observation: Annual inspection after complete termination